Made by boylovers, for boylovers
Fawnlet Magazine takes great pleasure in joyfully celebrating the beauty and spirit of young boys. Poetry, art, news, interviews, stories, and more, all centered around boys and boylove.
Continuing the great tradition set forth by the boylove magazines of yesteryear, we strive to give readers a publication that our community can be proud of. Showing the world who we really are, in contrast to the vulgar caricature we all know.
With contributions from BLs across the entire community, Fawnlet aims to provide something for every boylover to enjoy. Each issue is made with its target audience in mind, meaning that we make it for you. So dig in, enjoy the read, and hopefully learn something new about our community.
Continuing the great tradition set forth by the boylove magazines of yesteryear, we strive to give readers a publication that our community can be proud of. Showing the world who we really are, in contrast to the vulgar caricature we all know.
With contributions from BLs across the entire community, Fawnlet aims to provide something for every boylover to enjoy. Each issue is made with its target audience in mind, meaning that we make it for you. So dig in, enjoy the read, and hopefully learn something new about our community.